Wednesday, July 28, 2010

On Grief and Loss

When our two daughters were growing up, we were close friends with a family that had two daughters the same age as ours, they homeschooled in the same group we did and we even attended the same church fellowship. This family were wonderful friends and I'm glad that our daughters still consider their daughters some of their best friends. Recently their oldest daughter, Anna, delivered a baby boy-their fourth child and brother to three beautiful girls. Little Mason was born 13 weeks early and lived for 4 days before going Home. Anna's husband is a pastor and recently had a sermon on the time spent with their tiny son. I can tell you that their testimony is amazing and God's grace being poured out on them, moment by moment, is a witness to many.
I so often read of so many people-moms, young and old, wives, daughters, sisters etc. that are going through so many trials. There are many who have lost babies or children and the grief is overwhelming. My heart goes out to each and every one of you. With Anna and Chris's permission, I'm linking his sermon here because I think it would benefit so many to hear their perspective, I am also linking to Anna's blog. To those who listen, may our Lord minister to your heart this day. It certainly ministered to mine. It is my prayer that His strength would be made perfect in their weakness and that their testimony would bring healing to many.


  1. Oh Noreen, how heart breaking. I am so sorry for their loss.

  2. Thanks for these links, Noreen. I'm sure they will be helpful for all who have experienced this type of loss. My husband & I have experienced several miscarriages and can relate in a small way to what your friends have gone through. A book that helped me greatly, was Empty Arms, by Pam Vredeveldt.

    Thanks for stopping by Life Lessons. I'll be sure to give Joe a hug just for you!! He is a sweet boy, & we were thrilled he has such quick reflexes!! It's so easy to get complacent in our Christian lives. Best to stay on the alert! Hugs and God bless!

  3. I can't even begin to imagine the pain in the loss of a child. Your post brought tears to my eyes. My thoughts and prayers go out to your friends in this difficult time.

  4. I am going to listen to that...
    I can't imagine how hard that would be
    I am sorry for your friends loss

  5. This is such a sad thing to read about. Like you said, so many are suffering around us. The first thing that came to my mind was "My grace is sufficient.." When my sister passed away, at 22, one promise I clung to was "The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18 No doubt, based on the testimony of this precious family, God will somehow turn this around for their good and His glory! (Romans 8:28) Thank you for sharing these links with us.

  6. Going to read now! I have a bloggy friend who went through this situation and is having such a hard time! Thank you for sharing this link!

    Sending hugs to you!

  7. My heart is so moved by reading this...I am praying for them both now... will visit the link.

    Love you dear friend.

  8. How very heart breaking! God bless and comfort them.


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14