Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Winter Returns

We've been enjoying a nice mild winter here in Colorado and have been teased with spring like temps. I have been dreaming of planting trees, shrubs, flowers and herbs in the yard of our new home. However late this afternoon I once again realized that we are still very much in the middle of winter. We had quite a bit of snow and it was different from our usual white stuff in that it was what we can "Sierra Sludge" because there is so much moisture in the snow. Here in Colorado we get dry snow but not today; in fact we ran across the street to our daughter's house and couldn't believe how big the snowflakes were that were coming down. The kiddo's loved it as did their dog and spent a bit of time playing outside in it. Our winter here has been what the locals call normal but it is so different than last year. No matter how much or how long we newbies still love the snow. But come March and April I'll be wanting to get out in the yard and make it look like home.
May you enjoy the beauty of the Lord's creation.


  1. Terry will start plowing the second week of March, so we are almost THERE!


  2. Glad you enjoyed it. It is not wet this morning. Frozen footprints on the sidewalk (o: Have fun dreaming of flowers an trees.

  3. Noreen, that is CO for you! The snow comes while you are planning for Spring. I am glad you all enjoyed it.
    Yes, I am still here--thank You, Lord!
    Blessings to you,Sweet Friend.
    Miriam :)

  4. We've had snow, freezing rain, more snow and more freezing rain to come. It has warmed up though and I'm thinking, HOPING spring is just around the corner. Have a great day!!

  5. Out here in California we finally got the rain we have been praying for!! The hard downpour you can hear on the roof!! They are predicting 5 more days of the wet stuff. So brace yourself, we are sending this present directly East to you - Happy Valentines!!
    Love ya

  6. Give it another month and temperatures should warm up considerably :o)

    Hopefully ...

  7. The snow sounds beautiful. We've been having rain today and probably the rest of the week. Take care.

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog....i'm going to be posting pictures of my lastest WIP..showing the qulit as you go method....

    Have a great day.....LindaMay


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14