Hello and happy Monday to you. I hope you had a great weekend. Hubby and I had such a great day on Saturday; for the last three years or so, we've gone down to Denver to the Performing Arts Center for a production. The last two times we went we saw the Nutcracker Ballet; once my sister-in-law Sue joined all of us girls(except the youngest who was so little to enjoy it) to attend the Nutcracker.
You may recall that when our girls were little we would join my sister Dee and Sue to attend a holiday production in San Francisco. This outing was always one of the highlights of the holidays; we would go to lunch and then to the Opera House. We have so many precious memories of those days! So several years ago we invited Sue to come out and go with us; something so special for each of us. Last year both daughters families attended the Nutcracker; it was fun, but our teen grandsons felt that they didn't need to go again. So on Saturday, hubby and I went to see Phantom of the Opera in Denver. It was fun, but again we remembered how incredible the SF Opera House is.
Yesterday after I got back from church, hubby and I put up the Christmas lights on our tree in the front yard; they won't be turned on until Dec. It was such a pretty day that we also took Hunter on a walk. Can you imagine our surprise when we turned on the Broncos-Minnesota game and they were leading; it's like watching our old team. Go Broncos.
Have a great week!
don't wait...
6 hours ago
So wonderful that you and your husband enjoyed such a fun day together Noreen! And great thinking to get those lights put up ahead of time! Glad to hear that you're having nice weather to get out and enjoy! Our weather here has been foggy, cold and rainy. Looking forward to the forecast of sunshine later in the week :) Blessings to you!