Happy Snowy morning to you all. So it probably isn't snowing where you are, but here in northern Colorado we are having a big storm. The good news is that we are on the tale end of this one. Last night hubby went out right before ten and cleared the driveway; we knew what was coming and he wanted to get a head start on it. This morning, when we finally dragged ourselves out of bed, we got in to start the lengthy shoveling time. I haven't shoveled in approx. 2-3 years due to the fact I didn't want to slip and injure myself. Let me tell you I forgot how much work it is. I worked straight, alongside of hubby, for an hour. He continued clearing our elderly neighbor's sidewalk and driveway. He worked for another hour doing that as well as clearing our driveway two more times. Before I finally asked him when he wanted breakfast, he was over helping another older neighbor. One neighbor took these photos to document I really did help hubby today.
Trying to give my back a break.
Our outside lights look like Mushrooms.
Hubby decided to see just how much snow we got; I don't remember having this much last year.
In case you can't tell, we have 15" on our roof outside our kitchen and it's still snowing.
I'm glad we don't have anywhere to go today! My heart goes out to those traveling for Thanksgiving.
Be safe, where ever you are!
Joy to you!
Friday Funny
1 hour ago
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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14