This morning we were surprised to hear F16 jets fly over our town. This has been a wonderful way to celebrate our country each holiday-Memorial, 4th of July, Labor day and today.
It wasn't just a once over but lasted for several hours; I imagine the jets flew out of Colorado Springs and gave our entire state a buzz. It is so good to be an American, good times and in bad, we have the freedom no other country possess and I for one am grateful.
To those who loved have served, are serving or will serve in the military I salute you and say Thank you for your devotion to our country, for your great sacrifice. I thank all the military personnel and say thank you from the depths of my heart; I don't take lightly what you've given up for my freedom.
May the Lord's Hand of Protection be upon you and yours and may He bless your life as you willingly serve us.
Friday Funny
45 minutes ago
Wonderful post! Why didn't I hear the jets? I feel cheated. (o: Funny you said that about meeting me for a trail walk (that would be fun). I had thought of inviting you to come to Longmont for our churches Women's Christmas tea. (Sat. Dec. 6th at 10 oclock.) Then I found out we will be out of town that weekend. Hey you could still come...bring some friends. You would have to call (303-776-2927) to get tickets or go to the web site Life Bridge Christian Church on Highwaty 66. It is a fun way to start the Christmas season.