Happy Thursday to you! How can it possibly be the end of August and Labor Day weekend?!
I just can't get over how fast the days have flown by! Today it's already lunch and I'm just not sitting down. Our morning has been like this-driving to another city nearby to look at a table that was being given away; it was a farm house style and just listed on Craigs List for free. We couldn't and didn't get there fast enough; I've been wanting another table for my sewing room, for when friends come over to sew. I had thought of a fold up one from Costco, but hubby thought another farm house table would be better. Then I got back and took Hunter to the groomer. The poor owner has Lymes disease with two other types of bacteria along with it. She's been having symptoms for five years and it was just recently determined that is what it was. After I dropped Hunter off, I headed to another fabric store to get some fabric for that special project I've spent the last three weeks working on. I can't share it here, but once it is finished, given and won't ruin the surprise, I'll share. Then I came home and had to run back out to get Hunter. On the way home my next door neighbor called and said she had some sushi for us. They are so generous and I came home with a big plate of sushi, a plate of potstickers and then she brought over some teriyaki beef. Unfortunately for me it has teriyaki in it and that has wheat it in. I totally spaced on the gluten and tried a small piece of beef. Oh boy, just hope it doesn't wreck havoc with my stomach. So many people don't think a little bit will hurt, but it can. Often they don't realize that Soy Sauce has gluten in it as well.
We are watching Copper and Lily for ten days while the family is in Hawaii. Hunter loves having them here. This weekend will be relaxed, possibly a boat race on Sunday but mostly I'll be downstairs working on my project.
I hope you have a great day and wonderful Labor Day weekend.
768th Inspire Me Tuesday
4 hours ago
It's been a while since I got to stop by and visit. I am glad all is well in your world. God bless you, sweet friend. :)