Monday, January 30, 2017

Church Key

Happy Monday to you dear friends!  How was your weekend?  How is the weather in your neck of the woods?
On Saturday I went to a women self defense class in the morning-it was so helpful and also fun.  The class was taught for the women in my church and the teachers were a husband/wife team who teach martial arts.  I came away with a "church key"-aka old fashioned bottle opener for my keychain.  It is a great weapon for self defense-specifically using the sharp end to inflict damage in the event you are being attacked.  However, I'm not sure I'll leave it on my keyring, due to the fact if there is an accident etc it could cause some serious damage to my leg.
Yesterday was really good-church first thing in the morning and then the afternoon was pretty quiet.  WE have a new pastor joining the church and so I got to hear him preach~I really liked him.
Today I'm walking and also waiting on a call from my doctor about an ongoing issue I have and testing for it.  I will also be sewing, plus household chores.
I hope your week starts out perfectly and that January draws to a close finding us with a heart of gratitude.


  1. Noreen, Hope you get good news from the dr. I hope and pray if ever I am attacked, I can keep my head about me. I can't run real fast, but hope I can run faster than anyone chasing me. :) Glad you like the pastor. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. Our mom would like a class like this. We hope your doctor report is good!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. Hope the doctor has good news or at least a good plan of attack.
    I never thought about using a church key as a weapon - very interesting!

  4. I haven't seen a church key in years-but it makes sense though.
    Hope your issues are okay and you get good information from the doctor. xo Diana

  5. We have one in our kitchen drawer! Glad you like your new pastor. Have a great week.


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14