Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Winter Friends

Happy Wednesday to you. I'm not venturing out much this week, except to shovel and take Hunter downstairs to the patio. However, yesterday morning I spotted this Hawk and believe it is the same one we've seen on the pergola before. In fact, the last time I saw him he was about to have a tasty meal of a blackbird. Thankfully, hubby shewed him away before he dug in; I was concerned with the mess and organs left on the ground, plus Hunter and Lily were outside, in the same area, at the same time.

Even with the telephoto, he looks small. I do enjoy seeing the birds and wildlife, just don't like the harsh reality of watching other birds or animals die.
Snow is not in the forecast for today and I'm thankful; I couldn't believe how tired I was yesterday after shoveling for an hour.  I will keep myself busy today downstairs; I'm determined to get my quilt top together.  I hope you have a fantastic day today!
I also want to tell my brother Rich and his incredible wife Susan  Happy Anniversary!  They are such wonderful, giving people and I'm proud to call the family and friends.


  1. WE missed the big snowstorm, we just got the rain and now the cold. stella rose

  2. Lots of snow there we have no snow left and it has been raining even had a thunderstorm temps are 50F strange for us this time of year but I will take it I even saw and heard a few Robins by the river when Miggs and were walking . Being that small it may be a Sparrow hawk they are the smallest of the hawk family . Nice photo . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  3. We love snow but mom hates it so much that we are wishing it would melt.

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. Stay safe and warm. I can't imagine you outside shoveling, be careful.

  5. so glad we didn't get snow this year!! I'm ready for spring!!

  6. The hawk photo is spectacular! He has some very fluffy wings.
    I like birds too.


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