Monday, February 29, 2016

A Gathering

Happy Leap Year Day! On Saturday our forecast was that we would have temps that got up to the 70's, so what better day than to go to the mountains. Unfortunately, when we arrived at Estes it was cloudy,windy and cold-so no hiking for this gal. We drove into the Park and saw the biggest gathering of Elk we've ever seen in one spot. It looked like all the Elk that live in the Rockies were in one area. Couldn't resist taking some pics.
This group is only a very small fraction of the entire group.
The next surprise we had was seeing were Mule Deer; we have never seen them up in the park before.
It was so fun, but we were disappointed in the weather when we got home-apparently the clouds had followed us. Yesterday however was beautiful and we even saw a baby Bald Eagle in a nest~we hope to go back today to get some photos.  I've got a very busy day-walking with friends,  going out to lunch with another friend and then taking a neighbor to a nearby mall to look at a home decorating store.  After quilting yesterday for 5-6 hrs, I think my hands will be happy to take a break today.

Saturday, February 27, 2016


Happy Saturday to you! Today is a special day for my hubby and myself-it is my deceased Father-in-Law's birthday. Many people have lots of stories or jokes to tell about their inlaws, but I can only tell you what an amazing man my fil was. From the first time I met him, he and I clicked and always had a very special relationship. To say he adored me is not an exaggeration; unfortunately he let his two daughters know it. Pops was in the Marines during WWII as a photographer, we only have a few of his photos left but let me tell you that his photos were amazing. He was a natural born artist(much like my hubby, his second son)and self taught oil painter who did incredible seascapes, landscapes and still life. He has been gone now for 25 years. He had a passion for the ocean and shared that with my hubby. While I've been known to say "the mountains are calling and I must go", my hubby says this about the ocean.

When we moved from our home near hubby's parents, he was so sad and died that year. I believe he would have moved up to the wine country too, if he had lived. He would love Colorado and the beauty here.
One of the books of his paintings we have.  If my hubby took up oil painting, I believe he would have as many beautiful paintings as his family have.  We have several large seascapes and many small ones.  I love his landscape paintings more~old barns and farms in the country are my favorite.

There are so many ways my husband takes after his dad-woodworking, gardening, golfing etc.
So Pops, here's to you-we remember you and cherish the love you gave us and our daughters.

May your day be filled with sweet memories.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Happy Friday

Oh what a beautiful morning it is~sunshine and blue skies have the birds singing away. It's hard to believe it is on the end of February. I've got to say it is much easier to climb out of bed when the mornings look like this. It really makes me want to get outside on a walk, which is what Hunter and I are going to do in about an hour. It is only 43 degrees, but will warm up a bit later. Tomorrow is supposed to get up to 68 degrees-wow is all I can say. Yesterday was a great day, I got three borders on the quilt and my goal, after walking today, is to get the 4th border on and purchase the back fabric so I'm ready to pin this weekend. I'm going to grab at least one daughter and have her help pin-otherwise it would take me several hours to get it done. Once it is pinned, I'm off stitching. I've decided to keep my quilting very simple and will have a design on the border; this should help it go faster than other quilt patterns. You may remember my last quilt, I kept adding more quilting to it-almost felt addicted to it, LOL. I'm sure that it will still take me months, but if I spend several hours a day and also the evenings quilting, it will get done. When it came down to it, I just couldn't have someone machine quilt it-it would take away from my joy in the process. This may not make sense to some of you, but I knew I'd regret it if I didn't quilt it. So if I skip a day here and there with posting, don't give up on me-I'm just working on our new quilt for our bed. This weekend holds no plans other than what I shared above. I will probably go on a nice long walk tomorrow though. Don't think I'm ready for the bike yet.
 Joy to you!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

It's Thankful Thursday and I just have to say I am so very thankful for the man I get to spend life with. Even after almost 38 years of marriage and 42 years of being together, he is still such an incredible blessing to me. Not a day goes by when I don't realize just how lucky I am. Thoughtful, patient(he definitely needs it being married to me), tolerant, fun, loving and kind. Not only the very best husband, but a wonderful dad and Papa as well as brother and a great friend. Yesterday, we took a drive to a quilt store to get fabric for our quilt and then even went to Joanns. I took him by a model home to show him a bench I want him to build for my birthday present(yes, he's very gifted too)and he said no problem. Later, I showed him a quilting ironing board(to enlarge the ironing board for quilts)that I want him to make and he told me to buy the cover so he'd have the right dimensions. We happened to compare the costs of our hobbies, because quilting can get expensive, but he said his golf is way beyond my quilting.

So this morning, we are both home and had a wonderful breakfast. So many friends are battling with cancer or other life threatening illnesses and I realized we just don't know how long we've got on this earth. This year was our year to go to Kauai, but he decided that we would pass on it and use the $$$ for other things. I thought he'd be so disappointed, but we both have other adventures we want to go on.  If you have family close to you and a person you share your heart with, make sure you tell them on a regular basis how lucky you are.
So today, I lift my heart to my beloved and say I'm so glad to be married to him.
Always and forever,

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Yesterday I had two girlfriends over for lunch and we had such a fun time visiting.  I made a hamburger, onion, mushroom, cheddar cheese quiche and served it with a green salad. For dessert I made one of my favorite gluten free cakes-a Magically Moist Almond cake, the recipe is on the back of Bob's Red Mill Almond Meal/Flour package.  If you like the taste of Almond flavoring, you'll love this cake.  It also uses a bit of Coconut Flour and I substitute the Vanilla extract for Almond Extract. If you don't like Almond you might not care for this; it reminds me of Marzipan candy.
I served it with fresh berries as you can see.  My friends and I usually go out for lunch, but I may have changed that.  The quiche was a big hit and actually made two, so hubby had it for dinner last night and probably lunch today.  I was so glad Ruth got a photo of the dessert!  After I cleaned up, I had a bit of time downstairs; I still have one more heart to make today.  Tomorrow we get another pattern.  Right now, I'm heading out to meet another friend and walk with her; if it is too cold outside we will head into the Senior Center and walk their indoor track.  I've got a couple of errands to run afterwards; I've got two grands coming over this afternoon for sewing.  Hunter is wondering why his momma hasn't been walking him-it is simply to cold.
May your day be blessed!

Monday, February 22, 2016

A Little of This, A Little of That

Bright Monday blessings to you! I hope you had a great weekend and a bit of nice weather so you could get out and about. Our weekend was fine, productive and relaxed. Hubby was running work errands on Saturday morning, so I got time to sew. This first block was the pattern we received on Thursday and I finally got to it. For those of you who embroider, please don't look too closely-it's been at least 15 years since I did any and it took quite a while to remember how(it isn't the best looking, but it's done). I choose to do this square in other fabrics and not sure it will go in the quilt top I end up making. I will say that working with such tiny pieces has brought out a little ocd in me, which is an o.k. trait with quilting.
Here are the first three blocks and I'm happy with the colors I choose I choose for the top too, but by the end of the year I may be so tired of browns, tans and reds.
Here is one more Honor Flight Square that I made yesterday; I really like the look on this square.  I have sewing with the girls this week and think I may cut out fabric for them and then have each set of sisters make a square with help.  I think it would be a great lesson for them to learn to honor those who have fought for our country.

Today I have to run to the store to pick up a few more things for tomorrow~I'm having two friends over for lunch. I initially thought about just salad, rolls and dessert,  but have changed me mind and am going to make a crustless quiche, salad, almond cake with fresh fruit on it.  This afternoon I am also taking my neighbor to a mushroom farm down the road to see what type of mushrooms they sell.  I may even add some to the quiche.  I'm hoping to sew this afternoon, but also need to tidy up a bit.
On a side note, as I was redoing dates on our white board calendar on the fridge, I realized today was my mom's birthday-she would have been 103, instead she's celebrating with Jesus.  Happy Birthday Mom.
I hope you have a great day today, may you have sunshine and giggles.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

National Love Your Pet Day

No matter what Hunter's doing or where he is, this momma loves him to pieces(he knows it too).
I simply can't imagine life without him!  So go hug your pet and give him/her some love.
Treats would help too; we are out of Hunter's favorite treats and I need to run to the store later to get some, but for now I'll be downstairs sewing.  In case you are thinking I'm a fast sewer who gets lots accomplished, let me put your mind at ease-I'm still working on Thursday's block and have to make another Honor Flight block. Tomorrow I'll get another block to make and next week, I'll get the border for my quilt top and then once I've got that one, I'll be able to sandwich it and start quilting. 
Enjoy your weekend.
Noreen and Hunter

Friday, February 19, 2016

Happy Friday to you! It is sunny and beautiful here this morning, but still somewhat cool. We had such high winds yesterday and had to move outdoor furniture on our covered deck and secure our ceiling fan so it wouldn't break. I'm hoping we won't have the winds today; I also love waking up to birds singing. This week I worked on the Splendid Sampler squares, but haven't gotten yesterday's done yet-I'm hoping to do that today. Here is the final Valentine's Day block and I redid my Shuffle practice block and I like it much better. Tried to rotate it, but couldn't figure it out.

I've decided to try to stay with similar fabrics, when possible for the squares. I am really loving browns and tan right now, but yesterday's block won't lend itself to that as easily so I'm adding in another color. We'll see how I like it. Below is the first Shuffle square I did and I just wasn't as pleased with the colors.

I can tell it will be a challenge to stay on top on getting the blocks done each week, with all my other activities but I am hopeful.
Today I'm visiting with a friend this morning and hoping to spend time sewing later.  I may run to a mushroom farm nearby; a neighbor has been wanting to go and buy some and I thought I'd take her.
We went to our high-school's girls basketball game last night and it was so fun!  Our girls won against a really tough team, it was a close game.  I love supporting the community and it was very crowded.
I hope you have a great day and spend some time outside.
Joy to you!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A Great Find for Crafters

It's outdoor Wednesday and I've spent most of the day outside~walking Hunter, going out with friends and running errands outside. Where or where do all the hours in a day go? In my new quilt group, we have a charm exchange of 5" squares of fabric. The first time we did this the leader brought her fabric in the Snapware container. I hadn't seen one before, but it works perfectly for 6" squares. So yesterday when hubby and I ran to Joann*, I found one and got it with a 40% off coupon. I am thinking of putting my 6" squares for the sampler in it. I could find all sorts of things to put in this and it is sure to become a favorite of mine. I also like that they come in lots of different sizes and are not too expensive.
Today I went to a quilt store that I hadn't been to in years and loved the new classroom that they've added-might just be a place to take some summer classes.  The owner also encouraged me about our trip to the Sisters, Oregon quilt show this summer.  I had tried to sign up for 2 classes, but they were sold out the morning after they posted them.  She told me that several years ago she went, signed up for five classes but got notice she only made it into two.  However, when she arrived she was told all the classes had openings and she was able to take all five.  Even if I don't get into the original two that  Barbara and I choose, we are still hoping to get into one of Linda Ballard's mystery quilt classes.
Well, I'm off to get dinner started and see if I can get back to the sewing room again.  I hope your day has been productive!  I also enjoyed a gluten free lunch at Olive Garden; it's been many years since I've eaten there and figured I'd just have salad, but was so happy to have a pasta dish.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Happy Tuesday to you.  I hope your week has started out on a good note and if you had yesterday off, you enjoyed it.  Hubby and I went to the movies in the afternoon and saw The Choice; it was a sweet love story and had many folks crying(including the teen boy next to me who kept wiping his eyes).
I mentioned that I have joined a online quilt challenge, so to speak; I had never heard of it before and it seemed like it would be a great way to work on piecing and learn new techniques.  It is called The Splendid Sampler and twice a week a well known quilter will share a pattern for a 6" block; by the end of the year, if you make them all, you will have 100 blocks.  What I like about this is that it is free and the two blocks I've seen so far are fairly easy; it also will include appliqué, English Paper Piecing and embrodiery.  Pat Sloan is the quilter who I heard about in regards to this.  You can find info on Face Book or go here:
This morning I'm heading down to work on my first two blocks; this afternoon I am hoping to bake cookies for a new neighbor and take them over to welcome her to the neighborhood.
Joy to you!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Miscellaneous Monday

Good Morning Friends~I hope you had a great weekend and found some time to do something that made your heart soar. We had a busy but fun weekend; I keep hoping my days will slow down, but they never seem to. That must be a good thing because it means I'm healthy and staying active. Last week I had sewing with the grands and they all completed their projects, which means I need to figure something out for next week. Here are two of the girls with the book bags they made. On the left, Miss F made the bag for her sister as a surprise. Two out of the four girls in Carrie's family have these bags and Miss A was feeling a little left out. What's a big loving sister to do, but make one for her. She was so surprised and loved it. I was grabbing something for Carrie and didn't see her expression, but hubby said Miss A's eyes were so wide with excitement.
On Friday, I had my quilt group and our leader shared a disappearing nine patch quilt she is making for one of her grands. The fabric is so cute! Loved the way the pattern changed after the square was cut up; so many possibilities with this pattern.
Here is a quilt another gal made for her grandson. I loved it and our youngest grandson loves Moose and so I'm thinking about it for him. Love how the child's handprints become the antlers. We'll see.

I've got my quilt on the wall and just need to get down to the store where I purchased the fabric and get some fabric for the border and some batting. I'm thinking hubby and I might do that today. Both stores are fairly close to one another and it would make for a fun drive this afternoon. The weather is so much cooler here today than last week; ugh. Yesterday was very damp and cold, but the good news is that we are supposed to get upwards of 68 on Thursday. I can't wait. I also learned about a online group called Splendid Sampler that has a free program that started yesterday-you get two 6" block patterns each week, by different quilters(83 of them) and by the end of the year you have a total of 100 quilt blocks to put in a quilt. I found out about this through Pat Sloan's website and also on FB.  I'm not sure if I will do every single block, but what a great way to use up some scraps and practice  your piecing and different techniques. They use traditional piecing, appliqué, EPP and embrodiery. I've shared this with a neighbor here and also my quilting, traveling and old neighbor is doing this too-it's a way to connect until we see face to face. We may even take what we've done to Sisters to work on in the evenings.
I hope you have a productive day!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day

It's hard to believe that Sunday is Valentine's Day; it was just last year that I was coming home from the hospital after major surgery. As I reflect on my surgery and five days in the hospital, I'm so glad it is behind me! The first day and a half in the hospital was in a Women's ward and I was well taken care of, but the next three and a half days was not quite as good. I also know that it wasn't as easy a recovery as when I had my two c-sections; of course I was in my twenties back then which really makes a difference. I just thank our Heavenly Father that I didn't have cancer. I also thank Him for the gift of love He blessed me with in bringing my hubby and I together. I am thankful that we will be celebrating 38 years this June, the best years of my life.  I'm thankful for the love of family, my two daughters and their hubbies and kiddos as well as my brother and sister in love and hubby's family.  I am also so grateful for all the precious dogs we've had over the years.         This weekend will be filled with activities~I have quilt group this morning, we have a gathering at our next door neighbor's house as a thank you for shoveling their driveway during our snow last month. Saturday we meet some friends for lunch and then have grands for dinner so our oldest daughter and her hubby can go out to dinner. Sunday will be a relaxed day, no fancy plans here. Hope you have a great day and a Valentine's Day filled with love.
Noreen and Hunter

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Log Cabin Barn Raising

It's Thankful Thursday and today I'm thankful that I've gotten this top pieced, aside from a border. I love the color combos and pattern; I will wait another week to get the border fabric and batting, then the fun will begin.

I also want to make pillow shams to match with the extra squares I've got; since I've never attempted pillow shams before I think I will definitely look for a pattern and not just wing it. I imagine it will take about four months to quilt, maybe less depending on how many hours a night I work on it. I am also thankful for eyesight which allows me to sew and quilt, hands that still work even when stiff and a dear hubby who doesn't mind the expense of the fabric. 
What hobbies do you have that are a passion? 
May your day be blessed,

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Recently I was contacted by Steven Manchester and asked if I would review his ebook and do a post about the story.  I was not familiar with any of Manchester's other stories and agreed to give my honest opinion.  Here is a synopsis of the book by Laura Schroff:
“Manchester beautifully describes the undeniable love and bond between Billy and his canine best friend Jimmy. The Changing Season reinforces how making one wrong decision can be life changing and the consequences can have a ripple effect that profoundly impacts the lives of others.” – Laura Schroff, #1 NYT Bestselling Author, An Invisible Thread

Initially I found this story hard to get into; I think because it took me back to a slower time, a time of youth and growing up.  I will honestly say it wasn't a book that I couldn't put down, but I found it reminiscent  of adolescence and also of loving dogs-especially one you grew up with.  By the time I got to the middle of the story, I was definitely really enjoying it.  While I wouldn't encourage teens to read it, I felt that it clearly showed the consequences for irresponsible behavior. It also covered young love and the struggles that face a couple.  Many aspects of the story took me back to my high school days.  I felt the characters were developed well and that many could relate to the story.  You can find this book on Amazon.  I am going to look at Mr. Manchester's other books and see if I want to read them.
Disclaimer:  I was provided this book in a PDF format free of charge for my honest review.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

National Pet Oral Health Care Month

February is Pet dental care month, a time to make sure our pups teeth are clean and free from tarter. Many health issues can occur if the dog has gum disease. Chewy gracious gave their #Chewy influencers a wide variety of dental treats this month. So many have the potential to cause problems because they might not break down, but Science Diet have created some bones that are made with real vegetables and natural ingredients. Typically, Hunter was so excited to see what came from Chewy.  Hunter and Lily really enjoyed these bones, but they were for medium dogs so I cut them in half.

Product Description:
Hill's Science Diet Dental Chews with Real Vegetables are delicious, natural treats made from only the best ingredients. They freshen your dog's breath as he chews, providing great taste and great nutrition in perfect harmony. Dental Chews come in 3 sizes, so you can have the perfect treat for your perfect dog no matter his size!
Key Benefits
  • Freshens your dog's breath
  • Great taste and great nutrition
  • No corn, artificial colors or flavors
  • Recommended for adult and mature dogs
  • Made in the USA                                                
We would rate this product four paws or excellent, it is not smelly and doesn't make a mess. A big thank you to Sydney at Chewy for all her hard work. We received the package very quickly as well, regardless on the amount of snow on our street.
 FULL DISCLOSURE: We received this product for review at no charge as a  #Chewyinfluencer. Receiving the free product did not influence our review. All reviews are our opinion.
Noreen and Hunter

Monday, February 8, 2016

What a Victory

Happy Monday to you!  I will be posting a bit later on Dogs Dental Month, but had to share that we had a fantastic afternoon yesterday.  The food was incredible here at our nest-one couple brought ribs-done two ways(one gluten free), fresh fruit and vege's, dessert.  Another couple brought chips & dip and contributed  to the ribs.  Another couple brought two types of wings and some special pumpkin bars(which hubby requested), while another couple brought some Buffalo Chicken Cheese Dip and Chips. We supplied Teriyaki Meatballs, spinach dip with french bread, candy and drinks.  Oh yes, one of the desserts was Fritos with Peanut Butter and Corn Syrup(which I dislike and avoid using) mixed together in clumps. Let me tell you that is so addictive. Something about the salt and sweet kept everyone going back for more. 
What a great game, we had one non-football gal with us who brought her knitting but she definitely got into it.  By the time the game was over, we all were feeling so full; I think I could go for quite awhile and not eat anything but salads.  We are blessed to have a home that can accommodate 14 friends comfortably and easily.  It did help that help put a second t.v. downstairs as well.  The gals got the big screen while the guys got the t.v. that didn't have the high def.  Too Funny.
By the time everyone left, most of the cleanup was already done and it only took about ten minutes to wash the serving dishes and utensils.  We were so excited for the win, but also that Von Miller got MVP and it was a nice way to go out if Peyton decides it's time to retire.
I am glad we hosted it and think it will become a tradition. 
Hope you had a great weekend and that your week will be so nice.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Game Day


                                        All I can say today is

                     Go Broncos!

Friday, February 5, 2016

A Different View

The other day I showed some pics of our front yard and here are two I took yesterday. As you can see, the walkway is clear now, but it give a better perception of just how deep the snow was. Actually I should have put a ruler in so you could really see how deep it is.

The black box is actually a winter cover or mini greenhouse for a Japanese Lacy Leaf Maple.  We found that by doing this last year, the tree was able to survive our winter.
Today is warmer than the last two have been; right now at 8:30 it is 30 degrees, downright balmy. It's a busy day today~shopping at Costco, watching two grands and trying to get some sewing in as well as finishing a book to review. I hope you get some sunshine in your area and have a productive day!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

We've been told, all over the country by Punxsutawney Phil and his buddies, that spring will be early this year. I believe in some areas it might be early, but here in Colorado I truly believe we have several more months of heavy snow. Typically, we don't plant here until the end of May because we still might have frost and snow. This year we've had a lot of snow already, just in January and while we were teased by some warm days I'm not counting on warm weather until the beginning on May. These pics were taken on the landscaping lights in our back yard the other night.

Today, I'll be watching five grands and then this afternoon taking a friend shopping. We are having a superbowl party here on Sunday, so hubby and I will be getting some paper goods this afternoon as well.  It's beautiful out this morning, but our weather gauge says it is only 5 degrees.  Burrr.
Winter blessings to you!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Winter Friends

Happy Wednesday to you. I'm not venturing out much this week, except to shovel and take Hunter downstairs to the patio. However, yesterday morning I spotted this Hawk and believe it is the same one we've seen on the pergola before. In fact, the last time I saw him he was about to have a tasty meal of a blackbird. Thankfully, hubby shewed him away before he dug in; I was concerned with the mess and organs left on the ground, plus Hunter and Lily were outside, in the same area, at the same time.

Even with the telephoto, he looks small. I do enjoy seeing the birds and wildlife, just don't like the harsh reality of watching other birds or animals die.
Snow is not in the forecast for today and I'm thankful; I couldn't believe how tired I was yesterday after shoveling for an hour.  I will keep myself busy today downstairs; I'm determined to get my quilt top together.  I hope you have a fantastic day today!
I also want to tell my brother Rich and his incredible wife Susan  Happy Anniversary!  They are such wonderful, giving people and I'm proud to call the family and friends.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

So Much Snow

Morning Friends, What a storm we've had-it snowed all yesterday and by the time hubby got home from indoor badminton, he said we had ten inches of snow out in front. It snowed lightly last night, but we got up early to shovel, as he was playing simulator golf today. What I can tell you is that we are so thankful for our neighbor across the street, because he was doing all the sidewalks with his snowblower when we got out front at 7:15. I immediately began shoveling the driveway where hubby's old Explorer sits, so he could get out. We only did 1/3 of the snow removal and it took us an hour. Norb cleared our driveway and also did the sidewalks on both sides of the court. Hubby actually admitted today would have been a good day to own a snow blower. I'm stating that because he has refused over the years that it would be useful, he just doesn't like them. I can say I love them. My big joke here is that if something were to happen and he couldn't go out to shovel, I would just buy a quad with a shovel on the front of it and do the whole court. I'm serious about that; though have to admit there is an older couple(in their 80's)that get out and shovel whenever we have snow and do the sidewalks too. She is my hero. I can also tell you that I can definitely feel my arm muscles after shoveling yesterday and today. If we continue to have snow amounts like this, hubby may just be willing to get a snow blower. The very first thing he did this morning was to clear the back stairs down to the patio and a path for Hunter to get to a covered area, so he could go to the bathroom. What a man! The photos of our front door don't  look too bad, but we've got steps going up to it and believe me the snow was deep.
Our deck.

It's going to be another inside day today; I'm supposed to go to something at the library tonight, but I think it may be cancelled.  I will be spending my time downstairs, squaring up my blocks and then sewing rows together.  It feels so good to be on this part of the process, maybe one day soon the top will be together and I'll be able to show it to you.
I hope you have a good day and if you have snow like we do, stay warm.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Misc. Monday

Happy February and Happy Monday to you! Well, old man Winter has returned with a wrath~snow has once again pummeled our state. We had a foretaste of spring last week and I loved it. The snow will keep me busy-I will be helping hubby to shovel and will also be spending time downstairs. Last week we had Lily over for a few days and these two pups are the best friends. Aren't they cute!

I happened to find a new recipe at Gluten Free Homemaker for Paleo Muffins, so Saturday I made some.  I get tired of buying g.f. muffins in the store because of the high amount of sugar they add-maybe manufactures think sugar will add to their flavor.
For those who are gluten free here is the recipe:
Paleo Muffins
1 cup almond flour
1/2 cup coconut flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salk
2 tsp cinnamon
4 large eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup unsweetened applesauce
2 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup chopped walnuts(I substituted almonds)
the recipe didn't call for chocolate chips, but I would add some and maybe some shredded coconut.

~Preheat oven to 350, grease 10 muffins tins. I used paper liners and actually had enough batter for 12 muffins.
~In a mixing bowl, whisk together the almond flour, coconut flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon.
~Add the eggs, applesauce, vanilla and honey.  Mix until combined.
~Spoon into muffin tins and sprinkle with nuts.
~Bake for 20-25 minutes until toothpick comes out clean.  Transfer to a wire rack to cool.

Yesterday morning hubby and I had these for breakfast; I loved them, but would add more ingredients like I stated above.  Hubby said they were edible, just not his favorite-which I attribute to the lack of sugar.  He is very good about trying gluten free food and they didn't taste gluten free, just very light.

Hope you have a great day!