Thursday, August 20, 2015

It's Thursday and our weather is supposed to turn back to being more like summer than fall.  I got candles out yesterday and am in the mood to start sewing daily.  I'm headed down to Longmont to spend the day with my girlfriend who comes out to dog sit her brother's pack.  Should be a wonderful day outside.  Last time I was there, I had bad allergies from the dog hair and dust inside, so thinking we won't spend a lot of time inside today. Of course, I did take a 24 hr allergy pill too.
Hope your day is filled with all that makes you happy!


  1. DH and I got out to inspect the garden after dinner last night, and it was downright chilly. It's going to stay cooler but not as cool as it was yesterday. I like fall ... except that it means that winter is not far behind. :-(

  2. We are just sort of stuck indoors due to bad smoky air. We hope it doesn't get to you!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    Pee Ess - Make sure you follow the BAR blog. Even if you cannot attend you can view the photos and videos from the actual event in June!

  3. Enjoy your time with your friend. Good idea to take that allergy pill. Our Dad is in Vail this week and he is having a terrible time with his allergies. Mom thinks it is the bedding but who knows?

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  4. I hope you didn't have too much trouble with your allergies. Enjoy your sewing time, I need to find myself a machine one of these days! My very first job was at a fabric store and loved sewing, I need to get back into it some day! Be blessed, Cindy xoxo


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14