Thursday, August 27, 2015

It's Thursday and I've got a full day ahead of me.  I've already walked, next is a haircut and then shortly before noon, I'm taking one neighbor up to a wonderful restaurant, to meet the new neighbor with her best friend, for lunch.  One the way back, I'm planning on stopping and getting 10 lbs of Palisade Peaches; we absolutely loved these peaches and think they're the best we've ever tasted-so I will be slicing up the peaches and freezing them for winter. Not sure how well they'll freeze, but I can use them for smoothies. 
This afternoon I will be down in the sewing room and later Lily will come over for the next week. Our daughter's family will be heading to the Islands for the week.  Our air is finally clear of all the haze from the fires in the west; I'm thankful!
I hope you find some time to do something you enjoy today.  Remember the weekend is almost here.
Joy to you!


  1. It sounds like a full day that is for sure!
    stella rose

  2. Sounds like a fun day, enjoy Lily and the peaches!!

  3. That sounds like a fun day, ending up with peaches and I am glad the haze is out of the air for you.

  4. You will have a very full day- for sure!

  5. Your peaches sound wonderful to Mom. Hard to find a good peach around here. She has better luck with nectarines.

    It's been a very rainy and stormy day here, but we do need the rain.

    Happy Sewing.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  6. How lucky you are to find good peaches. There are quite a few peach orchards around here, but none of them wait until the peaches are ripe to pick them. And counter-ripened peaches pale in comparison to tree-ripened peaches. :-(


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14