We arrived home yesterday, late afternoon; we then picked up our little furbaby, headed to the grocery store and came home. It feels so good to be back; love our trips, but love heading home. Needless to say, Hunter was over the moon excited to see us. He had a great time with Lily, but all evening he just crashed. I would say, he played hard while we were gone. I was really close when I took this photo and he never even opened an eye.
There were so many great things about our trip~getting to have lunch in Pike's Market in Seattle during our layover, having time alone together in Kauai, great weather, hiking and exploring new areas, seeing Monk Seals and talking to volunteers, great seafood; there were a few not so good things for me~getting overheated while hiking one day, being considered a buffet lunch for mosquitoes another day. Our flights were easy and staying in Seattle overnight is always a much easier alternative for us. However, there was a problem with the bathtub faucet and I didn't sleep much Wednesday night. I certainly made up for it last night though.
It is so hard to believe it is Labor Day weekend; where did our summer go?! Fall is in the air here; in fact, we watched football on t.v. last night. I have lots of laundry to do and more grocery shopping tomorrow as well as picking up my new glasses today. Right now Hunter is standing at the cabinet whining-his way of telling me that he missed his salmon treats while I was away. I'm going to take him for a walk before I begin all my chores.
We don't have a lot of plans for the weekend~we are having our realtor and his family over for lunch on Sunday as a thank you for all his hard work for our family the last 9 mos. Our town has its annual Harvest parade and also art & wine festival-so we'll see if we go to those.
Photos of Kauai will start next week. May your day be sweet and easy!
Noreen & Hunter
Friday Funny
27 minutes ago